Technical Performance

The QuScite System
QuScite property | Description |
Laser colors | 405, 488, 532, 561, 640 nm (other colors on request) |
Laser class | 2M |
Trigger options | Yes (hardware + software) |
Sample exchange | < 10 s |
Autoalignment | < 20 s (optional) |
Laser response time | > 5 kHz |
Piezo stage comaptibility | yes (optional) |
2D stage compatability | wide range (Nikon, Olympus, Zeiss, Märzhauser etc.) |
Remote control | yes via USB (API) |
Standalone operation | yes, via touch interface |
QuChip compatibility | all |
Interfaces | 2 x SMA, USB-C, WiFi |
Sample swaping time | <30 s |
Setup time | < 15 min |
Swaping time between microscopes | < 15 min |
QuChip Version | QuChip TIRF 1.0 | Others (upon request) |
Field of view (single shot) | 60 - 500 µm x 4.000 µm | up to 1.500 µm x 5.000 µm |
Field homogneitity | better than 5 % | better than 2 % |
Colors | 488, 561, 640 nm | 405 - 640 nm |
Penetration depth | 50 - 70 nm (comparable to 1.46 NA objective TIRF) | 30 - 100 nm |
Polarization quality | > 200:1 | |
Main polarization component | parallel to the surface, orthogonal to the propagation direction | custom |
Typical power density | 500 W/cm2 | |
Max. power density* | up to 50 kW/cm2 | up to 150 kW/cm2 |
Time responses | 5 kHz (on/off) | |
Sample mounting | flat, single well, dual well, microfluidics + special requests | |
Simultaneous multi color excitation | no (50 - 150 ms switching time) | yes |
Shape | 18 x 18 x 0.17 mm3 | |
Optical tranmission | same as standard 1.5H cover slips | |
*Can be only achieved in combination with the QuScite Booster Box. |
Field of View (FOV) Flexibility
The FOV achievable with QuScite depends on the specific QuChip model and the magnification of your imaging system. Unlike conventional objective-based TIRF systems, QuScite can capture an FOV up to 500 times larger in a single shot, allowing for significantly broader sample coverage without compromising precision (refer to the table below for detailed FOV specifications).
Since the ideal FOV is determined by your unique sample and experimental conditions, we’re here to help you identify the optimal combination of spatial resolution, numerical aperture, and camera for your experiments. Contact us for expert advice on maximizing your system’s performance.

Advanced Light Microscopy Facility, EMBL Heidelberg, Germany
Sample preparation and imaging were conducted by Marko Lampe. The samples consisted of fixed U2OS cells stained for the actin cytoskeleton using SiR-Actin. Images were captured with an sCMOS camera and a 60x oil immersion objective.Enhanced Signal-to-Background Ratio
QuScite effectively eliminates unwanted epifluorescence, such as “dirty” TIRF or HiLo artifacts, resulting in a dramatic improvement in signal clarity. In the comparative data above, a standard commercial objective-based TIRF system was tested against QuScite using an MDCK epithelial cell line stably expressing GFP-vinculin. QuScite delivered a 2.5-fold increase in the signal-to-background ratio, underscoring its superior performance.

Institute of Microbiology, CAS Prague (CZ)
Sample preparation by Josipa Grušanović and imaging by Jan Valečka (LMIF), Experimental parameters: 488 nm excitation, 100x oil immersion objective, 1.45 NA.Uniform Flat-Top Illumination
QuScite delivers consistent, uniform illumination across the entire field-of-view, ensuring accurate and quantitative data collection. This makes it especially suited for demanding precision applications such as quantitative single-molecule assays and live-cell studies. Unlike traditional systems, where field homogeneity depends on the excitation source, QuScite shifts this dependency to your collection optics, providing superior field uniformity.
The video above demonstrates this advantage through a direct comparison of field homogeneity during a high-concentration single-molecule kinesin assay. As the video progresses, the illumination alternates between conventional objective-based excitation and QuScite, highlighting the improvement in field uniformity with our technology.
Sample preparation and imaging were performed by Prof. Yasushi Okada’s lab, Department of Physics, The University of Tokyo, Japan.
The in-vitro motility assay involved kinesin molecules moving on microtubules immobilized on a QUCHIP with a PEGylated surface. Images were captured with a 100x, 1.49 NA oil immersion objective using a Hamamatsu Orca Fusion BT camera. The intensity decay at the edges of the field of view are due to spherical aberration of the imaging optics.Optical transmission
The optical transmission through QuChips matches that of conventional 1.5H coverslips, ensuring that your imaging quality and collection efficiency remain unaffected. The data above demonstrates the experimentally measured optical transmission of the QuChips compared to standard cover glass, confirming its excellent performance in maintaining optical clarity.