Technical Performance

The QuScite System


Field of View (FOV) Flexibility


Advanced Light Microscopy Facility, EMBL Heidelberg, Germany

Sample preparation and imaging were conducted by Marko Lampe. The samples consisted of fixed U2OS cells stained for the actin cytoskeleton using SiR-Actin. Images were captured with an sCMOS camera and a 60x oil immersion objective.

Enhanced Signal-to-Background Ratio


Institute of Microbiology, CAS Prague (CZ)

Sample preparation by Josipa Grušanović and imaging by Jan Valečka (LMIF), Experimental parameters: 488 nm excitation, 100x oil immersion objective, 1.45 NA.

Uniform Flat-Top Illumination

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Sample preparation and imaging were performed by Prof. Yasushi Okada’s lab, Department of Physics, The University of Tokyo, Japan.

The in-vitro motility assay involved kinesin molecules moving on microtubules immobilized on a QUCHIP with a PEGylated surface. Images were captured with a 100x, 1.49 NA oil immersion objective using a Hamamatsu Orca Fusion BT camera. The intensity decay at the edges of the field of view are due to spherical aberration of the imaging optics.

Optical transmission


Optical transmission of a QuChip

Figure illustrating the experimentally measured, relative transmission (Y axis: %) of light over different wavelengths (X axis: 400-800 nm) on a QuChip in comparison to normal glass. The data illustrates a near identical transmission efficiency (95.79 ± 1.38 %) of light in a QuChip w.r.t glass coverslips.