
Ultrawide TIRF excitation
QuScite provides highly homogenous pure TIRF illumination without epi-fluorescence contamination and enhances imaging with a wide field of view spanning several mm² on any imaging system, even with low-magnification objectives.

Superb signal-to-noise ratio
QuScite enables the decoupling of excitation from the detection pathway, allowing researchers to achieve higher contrast and better resolution, yielding a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) improvement of 2x or more compared to conventional TIRF microscopy. This enhancement reduces bleaching rates and integration times, improves localization precision, and decreases phototoxicity.
Upgrade any microscope system
QuScite is an add-on system designed to be compatible with multiple imaging techniques such as confocal, spinning disk, upright, widefield, STED, STORM, laser trap, and more. It effortlessly fits all microscope configurations, including inverted, upright, and home-built setups, ensuring smooth integration with your existing experimental platform.
Plug & Play
QuScite is a plug-and-play system featuring fully automated alignment that requires no manual alignment or special training and delivers reproducible results. it allows to swap the sample within only a few seconds using our chip carrier system and seamlessly and is operational within seconds of placement. It is a laser class 2M product for enhanced safety.

Our Technology: Waveguide TIR-Based Excitation
At QuScite, we use proprietary waveguide technology to create an evanescent field on our QuChips, enabling direct interaction with your sample. Unlike traditional TIRF microscopy, which requires a high-NA objective, our waveguide-based system eliminates many limitations. A thin optical layer guides light over large areas, providing uniform illumination with a penetration depth similar to objective-based systems. By decoupling excitation and detection paths, our technology offers unmatched flexibility in FOV, camera, or objective configurations. Fully automated, QuScite integrates light sources and alignment, making it easy to equip any microscope with advanced TIRF functionality.

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QuChip TIRF 1.0
QuChip TIRF v1.0 is specifically engineered for standard TIRF experiments, providing either a large field of view or a pure, well-defined total internal reflection (TIR) field. The active illuminated area spans 4 x 4 mm², offering ample space for various sample types. The glass surface that interacts with your sample can be chemically functionalized for a wide range of treatments, such as PEGylation, silanization, or poly-lysine coating.
Designed as multi-use disposables, QuChips are available in multiple configurations based on your specific sample requirements. For detailed information on sample preparation and cleaning protocols tailored to different applications, visit our Resource Page (coming soon).

Single chamberReservoirs

The sample can be mounted using reservoirs provided by us, your own solution and microfluidic channels. We offer a variety of standardized solution. Reach out to us for more information.
Other reservoirsReservoirs

There are many ways to mount your sample on our QuChips ranging from flow chambers to multi-well structures and many more. Please reach out to us to discuss your requirements.
The control unit

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