
Waveguide-based total internal reflection microscopy — Introducing the world's first add-on TIR microscopy system, QuScite, designed for fluorescence and dark-field measurements. Expand your imaging capabilities and capture TIRF images across a vast area of 16.000.000 µm² (16 mm²) and generate robust and reproducible data, ideal for live cell imaging or single-molecule assays.

Ultrawide TIRF excitation

Superb signal-to-noise ratio

Upgrade any microscope system

Plug & Play

Adopting QuScite and integrating our QuChips into your experimental workflow is simple. We provide full support and an excellent database of well tested protocols that get you going as fast as possible.

Live Cell imaging

Step 1: Seeding and labeling cells on QuChip

Live Cell imaging

Step 2: Mounting the QuChip on the Chip Carrier system

Live Cell imaging

Step 3: Inserting the chip carrier into your microscope setup

Live Cell imaging

Step 4: Cleaning and reusing the QuChip

Our Technology: Waveguide TIR-Based Excitation

compatible with any objective
ultra-wide field of view
upgrade any microscope
defined penetration depth
perfect field homogeneity
ultra-low background
no temperature drifts
calibrated intensity
At the core of the QuScite system are our QuChips—glass substrates integrated with thin-film optical waveguides (integrated optics) designed to support a guided mode with a strong evanescent field extending into the sample volume. Depending on the specific design, our QuChips offer different functionalities to suit your experimental needs. 
The QuChip TIRF v.1.0 is our first generation.

Top view of
QuChip TIRF 1.0

Single chamberReservoirs

Other reservoirsReservoirs

The Chip Carrier (CC) is a durable metal frame that securely holds the QUCHIP during experiments, ensuring protection and reliability. Its user-friendly design streamlines sample handling, allowing for quick and precise positioning on your microscope. Simply insert the prepared QuChips, align it using the microscope adapter, and you're ready to start your measurements efficiently.
Multiple QuChips can be prepped on the Chip Carriers and quickly inserted into the Light Coupling Unit (LCU). The LCU automatically recognizes the QUCHIP and precisely aligns the laser beam, ensuring uniform illumination of the sample volume. This enables rapid sample swaps in under 20 seconds, maximizing efficiency.
The QUSCITE system features a modular design, adaptable to your microscope stage. The LCU attaches magnetically to the CCB, which sits in a stage-specific adapter. This allows a single QUSCITE system to fit multiple microscopes by simply swapping the adapter. We offer standard options for Nikon, Zeiss, Olympus, and others, with custom solutions available. Contact us to discuss your specific requirements.
The Control Unit (CU) is the central interface for managing the Total Internal Reflection (TIR) field, enhancing your microscope's imaging capabilities. Its user-friendly display and intuitive navigation make it easy to adjust settings for optimal imaging. Users can select regions of interest, choose wavelengths, and control illumination intensity, ensuring precise and adaptable imaging conditions.

The control unit

Take a look at QuScite in use
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